
Test Event 02

The Rosen Galleries

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Cras eu felis dui. Sed hendrerit dictum laoreet. Duis vestibulum felis id quam tristique tincidunt. Etiam in ornare nisl, vel fringilla odio. Curabitur congue orci ac lacus euismod, id egestas dui tincidunt. Etiam quis blandit leo. Proin at nunc nisl.

oak allee

The ElderGarten: A Field Guide for the Journey of a Lifetime with author Sally Z. Hare and Brookgreen treasure Ron Daise

Free with Garden Admission

Ron Daise Auditorium


The ElderGarten: A Field Guide for the Journey of a Lifetime is author Sally Z. Hare’s invitation to you to join her in becoming what the planet most needs now: Elders. There are more old people than ever on the planet- but fewer Elders, and there has never been a time that wisdom, leadership, and integrity are more needed. This non-linear journey of a lifetime begins early in life and invites us into fully becoming who we are and to use our gifts in service to the planet. The journey requires resilience and commitment. Join us for a conversation where Sally shares the practices she has discovered to build that strength. 

About the Speakers: 

Sally is a lifelong teacher and learner, feminist and activist, and a passionate steward of the planet. She is the Coastal Carolina University Singleton Distinguished Professor Emerita and president of still learning, inc.  She served for more than a decade as Dean of the Graduate School at Coastal and has traveled across cultures and communities exploring the concept of community. 


Ron Daise, a St. Helena Island, SC native, is a prominent author, performer, and cultural preservationist. Daise is a respected figure in Gullah Geechee cultural heritage, having served on the Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor Commission and presented at the United Nations. A Hampton University graduate, he actively contributes to community and educational initiatives in Georgetown, SC. 

oak allee

Red, White, and Blue Salute to Veterans

Free with Garden Admission

Throughout the Gardens


In honor of Memorial Day, we will proudly display American flags beside each sculpture created by a Veteran. Come celebrate and pay tribute to the artistic contributions and sacrifices of our Veterans in a beautiful, serene setting.

oak allee

Sensational Seaweeds of South Carolina with Dr. Heather Spaulding of College of Charleston

Free with Garden Admission

Ron Daise Auditorium


Despite South Carolina’s reputation as a destination for beautiful sandy beaches, the waters of South Carolina contain a diverse and interesting flora of seaweed just below the surface. Dr. Spaulding is a phycologist (a person who studies algae), and she will titillate your mind and senses with the science and beauty of seaweed in our local waters!  

Join her in creating your own press of seaweed and learn about the techniques that she uses to discover, preserve, and describe new species of seaweed from around the world.  

About the Speaker: 

Dr. Heather Spalding grew up on a small cattle farm in Kentucky but was usually found underwater in the murky depths of the farm pond exploring the mud and “moss”. She received her undergraduate degree in marine science from Southampton College at Long Island University. This led to an internship on kelp forest ecology at Moss Landing Marine Labs (MLML) with Dr. Mike Foster, where she discovered that being comfortable underwater in low light was a useful skill for a phycologist (a person who studies algae). After completing her master’s degree in marine science at MLML, she was lured to the University of Hawaii to study mesophotic (deep water) macroalgae with Dr. Isabella Abbott and Dr. Celia Smith. The algae occurred a bit deeper in those clear tropical waters, so she learned how to use technical diving, rebreathers, and submersibles to study mesophotic coral ecosystems in the Hawaiian Archipelago.  She is currently a professor of marine biology at the College of Charleston, where the water is still murky, but the algae are spectacular.