Arianne King Comer (b. 1945), Emanuel AME Church, 2015, Batik on Damask
Excerpt from At Low Tide, Voices of Sandy Island (2017) - Narrated by Amani Huell
Dreams - Mary Lou Cottman
Excerpt from At Low Tide, Voices of Sandy Island (2017) - Narrated by Devante Owens
Natalie Daise (b. 1960), Same Old Sweet Song 2013, Oil on Board
Respect for Elders
What Elders See and Know - Jushie Ricard Parker
Respectfulness - Roy Nelson Brown
Whom to Respect - John Singleton, Jr.
Great grandma's teachings - Roy Nelson Brown
Consequences for Disrespect - Mary Lou Cottman
Excerpt from At Low Tide, Voices of Sandy Island (2017) Community Living
Narrated by Eric Crawford Ph.D., Coastal Carolina University
Photographer Unknown, Indigo Lady, 1998, Photograph
Used by permission of Arianne King Comer
Food Ways
My Mother's Garden - Mary Lou Cottman
My Grandma's way to eat white grits - Edna Hales Knox
Eating Alligators and Turtles - Vermelle "Bunny" Rodrigues
Childhood - all by Vermelle "Bunny" Rodrigues
An Unforgettable Visit From Cousins
Susan Madison (b. 1957), The Gathering, 2018, Acrylic and Oil on Canvas
The Lingering Effect of Slavery - Gladys Bonds McKoy
Daily Racial Tensions en route to School - Mary Lou Cottman
Family Protection When Klan was Gonna Ride - Gladys Bonds McKoy
Susan Grant (b. 1941), Bonding 2015, Watercolor
Gullah Geechee expressions - Mary Lou Cottman
Gullah Geechee language - Vermelle "Bunny" Rodrigues
Perceptions about Gullah Geechee speakers - Edna Hales Knox
The Hag - Edna Hales Knox
When the Waccamaw is Angry - excerpt from At Low Tide, Voices of Sandy Island, Narrated by Terrell Jones
Burial practices: Jushie Ricard Parker
A Mantle Not to Be Denied - Written and performed by Ron Daise © 2018

Family and Community
Two Black doctors who were role models: Mary Lou Cottman
Travels to Sandy Island by way of Brookgreen Gardens: excerpt from At Low Tide, Voices of Sandy Island, Narrated by Sydney Simone
Fun times at McKenzie Beach: Gladys Bonds McKoy
Home Life
Neighborhoods: Edna Hales Knox
The African Methodist Episcopalian (AME) Church: Vermelle "Bunny" Rodrigues
An island home to a people who have been there for centuries: excerpt from At Low Tide, Voices of Sandy Island, Narrated by Amani Huell

Remedy for hiccups: Mary Lou Cottman
Source of home remedies: John Singleton, Jr.
Remedies for ailments: Vermelle "Bunny" Rodrigues
Work Life
Fishermen's hauls: excerpt from At Low Tide, Voices of Sandy Island, Narrated by Tyrechus McKenzie
Self-sufficiency: Edna Hales Knox
Income from the waterways: excerpt from At Low Tide, Voices of Sandy Island, Narrated by Jala Bennett
Archer and Anna Hyatt Huntington's Sandy Island Outreach
Excerpts from At Low Tide, Voices of Sandy Island