This session provides archival instruction covering the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to effectively locate, interpret, and utilize archives, manuscripts, and other unique primary sources housed at the Avery Research Center. Additionally, the session offers an overview of heritage interpretation activities at Avery, including the National Association for Interpretation’s Certified Interpretive Guide training, held twice a year, and the Black and Brown Interpreters Network (BBIN). BBIN is a group of natural and cultural history interpreters and tour guides based in the Lowcountry and beyond, dedicated to education, professional development, and service in heritage interpretation.
About the Speaker:
Erica Veal is a historian, heritage interpreter, librarian, editor and the Research Archivist and Interpretation Coordinator at the Avery Research Center for African American History at the College of Charleston. She has been a National Association for Interpretation - Certified Interpretive Guide since 2011 and a Certified Interpretive Trainer since 2021 and has trained over 70 new Certified Interpretive Guides. She is a former Master Naturalist instructor with over 17 years' experience leading cultural and natural history tours across Charleston County and beyond. In her life beyond interpretation, Erica is an organizer with the Lowcountry Action Committee and a gardener who enjoys spending time in nature.