Do you love to paint and draw in the Gardens?
Join Brookgreen's Plein Air Guild.
- Artists painting on site must be Brookgreen Gardens members and Guild members.
- Guild membership dues are $75.00 per year and are due in January of each year. New members’ dues will be prorated from their sign-up date.
- Guild members will be invited to show and sell their work at Brookgreen Gardens twice a year at the Art Festival in June and the Harvest Home Festival in October. All members may display their work at these sales. Artists also may be selected (after applying to Keepsakes) to have their own booths at the June Art Festival and sell their work there.
- Artists may not sell any work while painting on Brookgreen Gardens property (other than during the two specified exhibit dates). If a visitor is interested in purchasing the artist’s work, the artist may give them a business card and/or personal contact information and they may conclude their business off property.
- Artists may work at Brookgreen Gardens any day during normal operating hours (9:30-5:00.
- Artists will not block pathways or set up in high traffic areas or in any planted locations.
- Small amounts of food & beverages are allowed in a small insulated bag. No hard coolers, no alcohol. Do not feed the animals or birds.
- A small umbrella attached directly to the easel is permitted. Tents or large umbrellas are not permitted.
- A name badge will be issued to Guild members; please wear it while working on the Brookgreen property.
- Don’t leave your site unless you have someone designated to watch it while you are gone. Brookgreen Gardens is not responsible for any of your materials or artwork.
- When you leave for the day, check your work area, take all your supplies with you, and be sure the area is perfectly clean.
- All artists working onsite are required to wear facemasks or face shields until further notice.